Gene Youngblood, seceding from the broadcast
A remembrance for Gene Youngblood

Wishing the remarkable Gene Youngblood well on his journey through the bardo. He tirelessly encouraged those of us that would listen to secede from the broadcast, to find our cognitive sovereignty, and to build new communications structures and modalities to democratically and revolutionarily invert the suicidal and ecocidal corporate status quo.
Encountering his book #ExpandedCinema at the age of 17 altered the course of my life. Not only was its intro the first essay I'd read by #BuckminsterFuller, but Gene's brilliant synthesis of histories, ideas, and potentials seeded the conditions for my own work of the past few decades. It introduced me to the work of Henry Jacobs, and Jordan Belson, and Stan Vanderbeek and other artists vigorously experimenting with sensorial gestalts.
I was honored to get to know Gene over the course of the past few years, initially connecting to discuss his seminal work on the #WorldGame. I'm also relieved to have played minor role in introductions that led to a series of webcasts with @grayareaorg and the republication of Expanded Cinema via Bruce Clarke's Meaning Systems series.
Thanks for your fearlessness, Gene. May we all commit to seceding from the broadcast with as much integrity and commitment as you.
#secessionfromthebroadcast #geneyoungblood #mediaart #mediademocracy