Learning to breath together is a mutual aid site we created to help anyone improve their upper respiratory health and general hygiene.
con·spire /kuhn-spahyuhr/ (verb):
1. to act in harmony toward a common end
2. to breathe together
As the old adage goes, there really is nothing like necessity to catalyze invention.
With the lingering fluctuations of upper respiratory weirdness going around, we decided to aggregate peer-reviewed research within Notion databases that might be assistive. We then decided to experiment with making all of this public, while also figuring out how to use a language model to search and summarize the research - but only the research we provided (using a vector database) - so visitors could ask questions and get citations.
The result was, our contribution to mutual aid collaborators everywhere looking for information about homemade disinfectant, irrigation hygiene, and other practices.